European Pysical Society

Created: 10 July 2021
Updated: 6 August 2024

  1. E. Bird, A. Wolf, A. Lacey, F. James, Sh. Ruston, S. Blickhan, The Davy Notebooks Project, History of Science Seminar, Royal Society, 27 July 2023 (1:17:15)

  2. P. Bussotti, Introducing the Concept of Energy: Educational and Conceptual Considerations Based on the History of Physics, 5th International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (2023)

  3. E. Gillin, A. Roos, The instruments of expeditionary science and the reworking of nineteenth-century magnetic experiment, History of Science Seminar, Royal Society, 23 February 2023 (50;55)

  4. M. Longair, H. Eaton, The Royal Society Biographical Memoirs: highlights and experiences as Editor-in-Chief , History of Science Seminar, Royal Society, 12 April 2023 (55:47)

  5. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Newton Geneva Edition International Symposium Newton and Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ([1739-1742] 1822), 22-23 September 2023, University of Oxford, UK

  6. R. Reich, A. Roos, Ptolemy’s Almagest and the translation of diagrams in the twelfth-century Mediterranean, History of Science Seminar, Royal Society, 17 May 2023 (50;59)


Fourth International Conference on the History of Physics
Ireland, 8-10 June 2022
Trinity College Dublin

  1. F. Amery, Carl Størmer’s auroral atlas and training the eye for polar observations during the second international polar year, 1931-1932 (Contributed)

  2. J. B. Burnell, Keynote: The discovery of pulsars – a graduate student’s tale (Invited)

  3. A. Borrelli, The joint rise of symmetry and symmetry-breaking in particle physics (Invited)

  4. N. Brown, Diffraction gratings – tools of modern physics (Contributed)

  5. S. Chattopadhyay, Transformational Physics and Physicists in Transition from Colonial to Post-colonial Independent India (Poster)

  6. Z. Christodoulopoulos, Evolution of relativistic quantum field theories through the history of renormalization (Poster)

  7. M. Cooper, Mihajlo Pupin - Physicist, Engineer, Entrepreneur (Poster)

  8. E. A. Davis, The light scattering experiments of Tyndall and the blue sky (Contributed)

  9. J. Dodd, The Ideas of Particle Physics: the last forty years and the forty to come! (Contributed)

  10. I. Falconer, Closing remarks and open discussion on "Let’s see the other side" (Invited)

  11. D. Fegan, The development of high-energy gama-ray astronomy (Invited)

  12. R. Folk, On the path formulating the Ising model (Contributed)

  13. P. Gallagher, The Astronomy of Birr Castle - from the Leviathan to LOFAR (Invited)

  14. G. Gilmore, G. Pebody, Light Deflection by the Sun during 1920’s eclipses: measures, uncertainties, errors (Contributed)

  15. B. Hunt, George Francis FitzGerald and the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (Contributed)

  16. R. Jackson, John Tyndall and Eunice Foote in the history of climate science (Invited)

  17. M. Jewess, The Einstein – de Haas experiment of early 1915 – for which Einstein interrupted his work on the General Theory (Contributed)

  18. G. Kamisheva, Georgi Nadjakov – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics creator (Poster)

  19. D. Kennefick, Einstein’s light deflection, the experiment of the century? (Invited)

  20. A. Kojevnikov, The Relativistic Worlds of Alexander A. Friedman and their Cosmological Ramifications (Contributed)

  21. H. Kragh, Christian Møller, Bertolt Brecht, and the Bohr Institute ca. 1938-1939 (Invited)

  22. W. Kutschera, Otto Robert Frisch, a pioneering craftsman of nuclear fission (Invited)

  23. F. Laguens, Joy, excitement and sleepless nights. Einstein’s and Eddington’s Attitudes towards experiments (Contributed)

  24. B. Lessel, On Einstein's methodology for his search for a Unified Field Theory (Contributed)

  25. J. Navarro, Edmund T. Whittaker, Einstein and anti-semitism (Contributed)

  26. J. Orphal, A brief history of climate science (Invited)

  27. G. Pancheri, Bruno Touschek (1921 – 1978) and the road to modern-day particle accelerators (Poster)

  28. C. O’Raifeartaigh, Renaming Hubble's law: fair tribute or revisionist history? (Contributed)

  29. C. Renaming Hubble's law: fair tribute or revisionist history? (Contributed)

  30. N. Robotti, The dream of alchemists: Rutherford, the first artificial transmutation and the discovery of the proton (Invited)

  31. A. Rocci, On The Road to Modern Thermodynamics: From the work of Clausius and Gibbs to De Donder's affinity through the history of Solvay Councils (Poster)

  32. R. Jurdana-Sepic, U. Munari, P. Kroll, Historical Photographic Data Archives - Treasure of Astrophysics (Poster)

  33. E. Schaa, Where is our contradiction between scientific and religious truth? Heisenberg's construction of the road to modern physics (Poster)

  34. E. Skulberg, Points of view in visual representations of black holes (Contributed)

  35. A. Simoes, To be or not to be. Observing totality during the 1919 solar eclipse at Príncipe and Sobral (Invited)

  36. C. Sinclair, Light and Literature in the Victorian Lab: The Influence of X-Rays on Joseph Conrad (Poster)

  37. I. Tereno, The light deflection measurements of 1919: the data analyses in a nutshell (Poster)

  38. L. Tirapicos, S. Gessner, A global history of the 1919 solar eclipse: the international circulation of photographs taken by the British expeditions (Poster)

  39. M. Wiescher, Julius Plucker, a forgotten Pioneer of Modern Physics (Contributed)


International Conference Series on the History of Physics
Virtual Conference, 4 June 2021
Abstract Booklet

  1. Sandeep Battula, In Search of the Wholeness: Detecting Dark Matter (poster)

  2. Hasok Chang, Challenges in the measurement and understanding of electromotive force (Invited)

  3. Zachos Christodoulopoulos, Evolution of relativistic quantum field theories through the history of renormalization (poster)

  4. Eve-Aline Dubois, 1937 Large Numbers hypothesis year (poster)

  5. Isobel Falconer, To G or not to G: J H Poynting and the gravitational constant in the 19th century (Invited) IoP Webinar, 4 June 2021

  6. André Fantin, The Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei, and Authors, Readers and Editors: a cultural history of the book "Quantum Physics", by Resnick and Eisberg (poster)

  7. Patricia Fara, The Marie Curie effect (Invited)

  8. Reinhard Folk, The Flow of Ideas Leading to the Ising Model (poster)

  9. Karl Grandin, Political inopportunism and friendly disservice: on the premature Nobel Prize to Otto Hahn and the missed Nobel Prize to Lise Meitner (Invited)

  10. John Heilbron, The ghost of Galileo and the Spirit of Copenhagen (Invited)

  11. Alison McMillan, Are the Ashover Stones prehistoric star charts: testing the hypothesis by studying modern human approaches to a free hand naked eye star mapping task (poster)

  12. Carole Nahum, The Undulatory Theory of Light at the Beginning of the 19th century: A Comparison between French and English Approaches (poster)

  13. Giulia Pancheri, Bruno Touschek and the genesis of electron-positron colliders (Invited)

  14. Taimara Passero, Albert Einstein's Practical Geometry and the Spatially of the Universe (poster)

  15. Roman Plyatsko, Johann Puluj's Contribution to Physics of XIX Century (poster)

  16. Paul Ranford , Unpublished correspondence with Kelvin and others – the Rayleigh archive (Invited)

  17. Denis Weaire, Tribute to the late Peter Schuster


XL National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy
Rome, 7-11 September 2020

  1. Prof. Eugenio Bertozzi, Augusto Righi and “the intuition of the experiment”: looking at the physicist’s work through his original instruments

  2. Dr Antonio Bianconi, Giovanni Gentile jr. and the new quantum mechanics in Rome

  3. Luisa Bonolis, Thinking Big. How large-scale detectors set the stage for the emergence of astro-particle physics

  4. Prof. Stefano Bordoni, Salvo D’Agostino’s History of Physics in context

  5. Dr Vanda Bouche, Women scientists in the early italian synchrotron radiation research

  6. Dr Paolo Bussotti, On the Proposition LXVI, Book I, Principia Newton Geneva Edition

  7. B. Campanile, The electromagnetic field photographed by Berenice Abbott

  8. Danilo Capecchi, Epistemology of music in d’Alembert’s Elemens de musique

  9. Ms Giulia Carini, The ancestors of the two-component theories of neutrino

  10. Dr Pietro Cerreta, Il ruolo del "foliot", regolatore inerziale del tempo, in un modellino di orologio medievale

  11. Dr Vincenzo Cioci, Reporting Experimental Results of a Galilean Teaching Case study

  12. Prof. Elena Corradini, The introduction of the decimal metric system in the Este Duchy

  13. Prof. Antonino Drago, Historical review of the algebriac foundations of quantum mechanics

  14. Prof. Giorgio Dragoni, Augusto Righi (1850-1920): A new Survey on his scientific works, at a Century of his Death

  15. Dr Andrea Durlo, Feynman's Frameworks on the Nanotechnology in a Current Historiographical Debate

  16. Prof. Salvatore Esposito, Oersted, Ampere, Faraday e i “moti” rivoluzionari del 1820-1821

  17. Dr Giuseppina Ferriello, The mechanics of Heron and his copies Missing sheets or multiplicity of interests?

  18. Dr Lucia De Frenza, Augusto Righi and the theory of capacitors

  19. Mr Stefano Furlan, Tales from Dubna’s oakwood: Bogoliubov, Pontecorvo, and the JINR seminars

  20. Prof. Ivana Gambaro, Formazione dei docenti e dimensione storica delle discipline scientifiche: per un dialogo tra le due culture.

  21. Dr Leonardo Gariboldi, Beppo Occhialini in Brazil between Physics and Politics

  22. Dr Enrico Gasco, Einstein's Wonder

  23. Dr Rocco Gaudenzi, Far From The Particle Crowd: Shugyosha Nambu And Michizane-Wheeler

  24. Prof. Enrico Giannetto, Salvo D'Agostino e la storia della fisica

  25. Dr Aristotelis Gkiolmas, The historical transition from the Young’s double slit experiment to the Davisson – Germer experiment, as taught to undergraduate educators. The educational outcomes and implications

  26. Prof. Giuseppe Giuliani, Oersted e la scoperta dell’Elettromagnetismo

  27. Dr Josette Imme, La Collezione degli Antichi Strumenti di Fisica del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia di UniCT: esperienza didattica e di divulgazione scientifica

  28. Eleonora Loiodice, “In the beginning”: physic and cosmology in the XX and XXI centuries art

  29. Prof. Roberto Mantovani, Saverio Barlocci and the First Electromagnetic Experiments in Rome

  30. Prof. Donatella Marmottini, Details on Lagrange's Method as Described by Maxwell in his Electromagnetic Theory

  31. Dr Marco Di Mauro, Some insight into Feynman’s approach to electrodynamics

  32. Dr Adele Naddeo, Reduction of two theories by means of a mathematical limit: a historical review of past debate

  33. Dr Andrea Orlando, Archaeoastronomy in Sicily: a report on past studies, present research and future projects

  34. Dr Angelo Pagano, Lo studio di Augusto Righi sull’interferometro di Michelson

  35. Prof. Erasmo Recami, La conservazione della quantità di moto in Leonardo da Vinci

  36. Prof. Paolo Rossi, The diffusion of quantum mechanics in Italy (1900-1940)

  37. Mr Tommaso Sorrentino, Tempo e “fantasia di sparizione”: la nascita dell’astronomia

  38. Dr Maria Luisa Tuscano, Iconografie e strumenti astronomici del Museo archeologico A. Salinas di Palermo

  39. Valeria Zanini, The selenographic statement of Giovan Battista Riccioli, between celestial nomenclatures and planetary cartographies

  1. B. Calpini, L. Vuilleumier, M. Coen, M. Begert, J. Klausen, M. Swiss, Jungfraujoch, a reference site for meteorology, climatology and more, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  2. E. Fluckiger, Cosmic Ray Research at Jungfraujoch, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  3. C. Frohlich, How variable is the Solar Constant, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  4. M. Grenon, The exploitation of extended windows in the UV and IR spectrum at Jungfraujochby stellar and solar astronomers, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  5. H. Inaba, The Tool of Sum-over-states: Research and Pedagogy in Quantum Statistical Mechanics, 1902-1944, 1st Conference of the International Academy of the History of Science, Athens, Greece (2019

  6. M. Leuenberger, Today’s activity at Jungfraujoch, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  7. U. Lohmann, A. Back, Y. Boose, J. Henneberger, o. Henneberg, Z. Kanji, L. Lacher, D. Neubauer, F. Ramelli, What did we learn about clouds at Jungfraujoch in terms of their climate impact, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  8. E. Mahieu, Monitoring the atmospheric compositions at Jungfraujoch since the Fifties: an epic, Symposium EPS Historic Site, Bern, 07.02.2019

  1. H. Inaba, Teaching the history of physics: What, why, and how? (The Physical Society of Japan 2018 Autumn Meeting (Condensed Matter Physics) Doshisha University (Kyotanabe)

  1. H. Inaba, The Reception of Ensemble Theory, 1902-1911, 2nd International Conference on the History of Physics, Echophysics, Pöllau, Austria (2016)

  2. J. Gomez, Opening New Windows on the Cosmos: Astrophysics and Astronomy in the History of the Max Planck Society, Workshop, MPG Observatories in Spain, Chile and Southern Africa, 06.09.2016 – 08.09.2016

  3. J. Gomez, El conflicto entre la autonomía científica y la democracia en Alemania Occidental durante la construcción de sus observatorios astronómicos en Espana, Sudafrica y Chile, Research Colloquium, Iberoamerican Institute, Berlin, 04.02.2016

  1. J. Gomez, Tackling the Curse of Geography: Optical Astronomy and the Max Planck Society during the Cold War, Astrophysics and Astronomy in the History of the Max Planck Society, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Workshop, Berlin, 14.09.2015

  1. H. Inaba, Foundational issues in the ensemble theory in the 1900s, International Conference on the History of Physics, University of Cambridge (2014)

  1. H. Inaba, Max Planck and the Boltzmann principle, 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, The University of Manchester (2013)

  2. J.-F. Loude, Physics in magnetic fields from Michael Faraday to Pierre Weiss and his contemporariese, SPG/OPG Joint Annual Meeting Linz, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 5 September 2013

    100 Years of Cosmic Particles
    Symposium in Honour of Victor F. Hess
    European Centre for the History of Physics Echophysics
    Poellau Castle, Austria, 1 – 5 May 2012
    1. Luke Drury, Ireland, Cosmic Rays (41:33)

    2. Siegfried Bauer, Austria, Cosmic Ray observations (14:36)

    3. Bruno Besser, AustriaVienna Institute for Radium Research (29:54)

    4. Karl Grandin, Cosmic Rays Nobel Prize (24:28) Karl Grandin

    5. Peter Holmberg, Ionizing Radiation Risk and Benefit (26:15)

    6. Dieter Hoffmann, Cosmic Rays Werner Kolhorster (23:32)

    7. Jan Lacki, Cosmic Rays Albert Gockel (28:12)

    8. Janusz Kempa, Poland, Cosmic Rays in Lodz (26:27)

    9. Walter Kutschera, Austria, Cosmic Rays Radiocarbon (34:18)

    10. Jose M. Sanchez-Ron, Spain, Cosmic Rays Spanish Politics (31:30)

    11. Jorge Perez-Peraza, Mexico, Cosmic Ray Physics Mexican Contribution (33:42)

    12. Friedrich Wagner, Germany, Possibilities and Restrictions of Global Energy Systems (41:50)

    13. Sir Arnold Wolfendale, Cosmic Rays British Contributions (18:25)

    14. Cosmic Rays Unsung Heroines (26:12)

    15. Cosmic Rays Russian Contribution (33:56)

    16. Cosmic Ray Research with Balloons (25:26)

    17. Cosmic Rays Atmospheric Ionization (27:22)

    18. Kosmische Strahlung 100 Jahre (47:47)

    1. J. Heilbron, The Virtual Oscillator as Guide to Physics Students Lost in Plato’s Cave, Proceedings of the International Conference on Using History in Innovatory Physics Education, Pavia University, Italy (5-9 September 1983)

    2. W. Jung, Toward Preparing Students for Change: A Critical Discussion of the Contribution of the History of Physics to Physics Teaching, Proceedings of the International Conference on Using History in Innovatory Physics Education, Pavia University, Italy (5-9 September 1983)
